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27, Apr 2022

10 industries that are using chatbots to build them up their businesses

Industry-specific chatbots have been the talk of the town in terms of technology. Customers and businesses have joined the change in droves during the last few years.Customers benefit from chatbots because they get faster responses, better customer service, a smoother sales process, and a more personal relationship with the businesses they buy from.Chatbots help industries reduce support costs, raise conversion rates, increase customer loyalty, shorten sales cycles, and generate more leads.

Industry-by-industry research on chatbots

Chatbots have been used in a variety of sectors for various purposes. As a result, we’ve chosen to compile a list of the top ten industrial chatbot users. Companies that use chatbots, as well as use-cases. Customized chatbots for various sectors are also available.

Medicine Industry

Doctors already have a difficult job to do. Doctors, nurses, and medical industry employees alike suffer from the intense focus and attention to detail that being a medical practitioner necessitates.

According to studies, administrative work accounts for one-sixth of a physician’s working hours. Taking the time and focus away from more critical tasks while lowering overall professional satisfaction.

Consider the easy task of making appointments. Chatbots can readily automate what would normally entail forms, misinformation, and human entry into computers by employees.

Chatbots can also help to synergize front-office healthcare by allowing patients to send information to the bot ahead of time. This information will be used by their bedside nurses or doctors to help them avoid avoidable readmissions or plan post-discharge follow-ups. Bots can help with admissions, discharge, and transfer requests, as well as scheduling patient consultations and sending and receiving referrals.

Chatbots can develop a single system of records, even if it appears hard to combine information sources. Data migration from legacy systems to new databases saves time and money for the systems.

A medical industry chatbot’s primary job is to send alerts. If patients need assistance, they can alert hospital workers. All from the palm of their hand, they can alert care workers to critical changes in a patient’s condition or an emergency.

In the medical industry, Chatbots can perform a variety of functions:

  • Allow peer systems to collaborate more easily.
  • Add the patient’s medical history to the records.
  • Provide prescription refill alerts and notifications.
  • Give accurate information regarding an illness and/or hospital services.

It can even save hospitals and doctors thousands of hours of work per year by relieving doctors of their workload and making hospitals more user-friendly.

Human Resource

One of the most important internal aspects of a company’s long-term success is the Human Resources department. While hiring takes the spotlight, your HR department is also in charge of a slew of other tasks that have a direct impact on your bottom line but aren’t as visible. Legal compliance systems, audits, conflict resolution, policy development, streamlining, training, and leadership development are examples of these tasks.

You’d want your HR team to be as proactive and forward-thinking as possible, given their importance to the firm. However, this isn’t always true.

According to research, HR spends 40-50 percent of its time dealing with talent management and responding to internal requests and inquiries. This consumes time that may be better spent on planning, strategizing, recruiting, and growing talent for your team.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of people are likely to apply for a job with your organization, and this is understandable. As your business grows, though, the amount of time and effort you commit to recruiting will become untenable. You can handle everything with an HR chatbot, from generating interest to speedy screening to background checks and qualifying candidates, using an HR chatbot.

With a custom-made HR chatbot, you may imitate your CEO’s quick wit or your company’s team spirit. This can be used to interact with potential employees and new hires. Answer their inquiries by including staff in interactive feedback loops and incorporating funny gifs. Improve team performance by using quizzes to track the impact of better learning. Even before the new person joins the organization, chatbots can assist them in completing paperwork, introducing themselves to their coworkers, and answering workplace queries.

You may utilize your HR chatbot with Flying stars to boost employee engagement, identify more accurate representations of employee performance, and uncover chances to solve problems right now—rather than a year from now.

E-commerce Industry

In order to understand how chatbot applications are utilized in the e-commerce industry, you must first understand how they are employed in the business. It aids in comprehending some of the industry’s issues.

The eCommerce sector has been flourishing all over the world. In 2017, global retail eCommerce sales were $2.3 trillion USD. By 2025, e-commerce revenues are expected to treble to $ 7.39 trillion.

Traditional customer service and sales tools like phone calls, emails, and social media have all but disappeared as a result of the problem’s near-exponential expansion. If you’ve been using only those three for your e-commerce platform, you’ve probably been struggling as well.

There aren’t enough customer service agents or salespeople to go around. Take India, for example. By 2025, India’s internet user base is predicted to grow from 481 million in December 2017 to 1.134 billion. By 2027, India’s eCommerce market is expected to have grown from $21.9 billion in 2018 to $200 billion.

Companies that want to prosper, at scale or otherwise, can’t employ fully human support and sales systems. From $450 million behemoths to Shopify startups, we’ve worked with a wide range of e-commerce businesses. All of them have noticed a variety of advantages to adopting a chatbot for their platforms.

Conversational commerce chatbots can assist e-commerce businesses in making more money, saving time, shortening sales cycles, increasing conversion, and improving cross-platform performance. Chatbots may also appeal to a genuinely global audience because they are language agnostic.

Travel Industry

People from all around the world are traveling more as the world becomes smaller. More foreign clients are likely to desire to do business with travel and tourism companies today than at any time in the past.

And, for the first eight hours, this is good news.

Because one of the challenges of owning a travel company that serves consumers from all over the world is that you have to work local business hours. Your clients, on the other hand, are global citizens who will access your website at any time. So if you only spend 1/3 of your day talking to clients, you’re losing 2/3 of your leads.

A chatbot for the travel sector, on the other hand, allows you to answer questions and create leads at any time. Bots also do not take vacations, have bad days, or compromise customer service. As a result, you’ll be able to wake up every morning to boiling hot sales that occurred while you slept.

Another issue is the efficient transfer of critical trip information between the organization and the customer.

Choosing a trip, traveling in a group, room types, food, drink, and dietary requirements, trip notes, travel insurance, visa information, safety, and medical information, backpacking list, accommodation, transportation, money matters, climate, and seasonal information are just some of the topics covered.

Real Estate

The real estate industry is flourishing all around the world.

The real estate market is expanding in size and shape, from downtown Los Angeles to the suburbs of South India. Low borrowing rates around the world, better job markets, increased consumer confidence, and growing interest from international purchasers have all contributed to this optimism.

In real estate, the average cost of losing a customer is far higher than in e-commerce, so every lead you lose represents a significant amount of revenue.

Every week, hundreds, if not thousands, of these potential leads visit your website to browse your offers. They’re bombarded with information on how great you are in your field and how many customers you have.

Is that, however, what they’re there for?

They’ve come to ask questions and receive responses. They want to learn more about the house, the neighborhood, and the location of the nearest school. However, because they’re on a different computer, one of two things will happen.

They’ll spend the next half-hour looking through your website for an answer. (Unlikely) They will not receive an answer and will leave. When customers in your target market are left unattended, they will most likely go to one of your competitors. Most of the time, to the person who responded to their question the fastest.

Companies may communicate with consumers, answer their questions, schedule site visits, share and collect papers, verify these documents, and remind them about EMIs or future schedules using a real estate chatbot.

This improves the consumer experience, which leads to increased customer loyalty and the acquisition of new customers.

Banking Industry

Customers can now participate in fiscal behavior that would have been inconceivable 10 years ago because of the growing complexity and sophistication of technology. Customers may transfer dollars, exchange information, authenticate, and conduct transactions with one hand while holding a cup of coffee with the other. It almost appears like the only reason you’d need to physically visit your bank nowadays is to speak with a teller. More institutions appear to be gaining that conversational edge, thanks to the rise of chatbots.

With a banking chatbot, financial organizations can be available whenever their consumers need them, regardless of time or place. There’s no need to work bankers’ hours anymore because a chatbot is available 24/7 and has a 99 percent uptime.

The goal of chatbot training is to serve any purpose that a customer would expect. On-demand personal bankers, wealth managers, loan service agents, and ATM locators are available to customers. Whether via a smartphone app, website, or Facebook page, chatbots make banking as simple as sending a text message, instantaneously answering queries ranging from simple requests to complex activities.

Chatbots for Banking also represent the pinnacle of data-driven insights, which are very significant in the banking business. Companies can use chatbots to make data-driven decisions, assisting in sales, marketing, trends, and product launches based on the treasure of data provided by the bots. Using conversational analytics translates to enhanced customer loyalty, better resource allocation, and higher growth. Bots and bot analytics can assist reduce operational burn time and giving crucial information and data more quickly, allowing your firm to focus more on planning for the future rather than simply reacting to the present.

Compliance and security are two main barriers to new technology adoption in the banking business. You may use chatbots to create security protocols from the ground up. You can incorporate 2-factor authentication and authorization technologies, data storage and sensitive backend separation, aggressive use of firewalls and network isolation in its architecture, anonymized token integration, and 24/7 built-in monitoring, depending on the vendor you choose. In addition, all backend communications with the chatbots are encrypted to secure our clients’ personally identifying information and to comply with rules.


Hospitality, like the travel and tourist business, has experienced significant growth in recent decades. Low unemployment rates around the world have enabled people with discretionary means to enjoy the joys of travel and leisure time. They’ve been spending that time away from home thanks to low-cost, better-connected flights and lower-cost lodging.

As an example, consider the success of hospitality industry employees: According to the WVR, full-time workers in the hospitality business saw a 4.7 percent wage increase in the fourth quarter of 2017. Furthermore, full-time employees who shifted positions in the hotel business had a 6.3 percent income rise, which was higher than any other industry for people who transferred careers.

To begin, it’s helpful to remember that a chatbot is essentially a cloud-based digital concierge. While low-level chatbots can save time by answering general questions and automating repetitive tasks, the bots of today and the future can deliver real-time insights and information to customers and businesses by analyzing structured and unstructured data. This enables users to complete many tasks independently, such as conference room scheduling, cab booking, and item auto-ordering based on voice and text commands.

Customers can book and reserve rooms through this system, which includes a payment gateway. Chatbots can also serve as virtual concierges, informing users about nearby pubs and restaurants. Cross-sell amenities like spas, massages, and room service to your guests. Chatbots can also provide customers with built-in review models, which can help you improve your social media rankings (positive reviews on Google and Facebook).

Roombre’, which uses automation to manage your accommodation and budget, is one of the most developing applications in this area. It’s a straightforward approach to arranging your lodging without incurring any additional charges.

They also have an innovative “pay as you go” idea, where if you have less than 50 bookings per month, you don’t have to pay any further costs and Roombre’s service is free. If it exceeds that amount, you will be required to pay a small fee.

You can utilize Roombre’ in any language you want, which is convenient. Even if you prefer to communicate in Spanish and the hotel management only speaks English, you will be able to continue your conversation. It is timely translated, guaranteeing that no language barrier exists. Roombre’, as they properly assert, speaks your language!

All of this is done 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, to ensure that your consumers are taken care of at all times. It’s critical to keep in mind that your customers speak different languages in international markets. While your employees may be able to communicate in a variety of languages, they will not be able to cover the entire range of international lexicons. Miscommunication and blunders might arise as a result of such language limitations. Even basic integrations like Google Translate or iTranslate can provide your customers access to the full range of your services in their preferred language.

8. Food Industry 

Food technology is one of the most difficult areas to work in. The industry requires technologies that can help it scale as one of the fastest-moving SKUs with incredibly short shelf lives and high-stakes support.

There has been a significant increase in the number of internet users in the Food Tech ecosystem. Last year, we saw a significant surge in demand for food delivery services as a result of the lockdown.

As a result, billions of dollars have been invested in the Indian Food Tech ecosystem. To be precise, $10.8 billion. And over time, this trust has only grown.

Delivery-focused firms including BigBasket, Faasos, Zomato, Milkbasket, Swiggy, and Freshmenu, among others, have received over 97 percent of investor funding over the last four years.

In a single day, food tech businesses process hundreds of orders. Over the course of several months, this number doubles and triples in size. The human agents are put under a lot of strain as a result of this.

In the Food Tech industry, not all support tickets are made equal. There is a high point during mealtimes, which are lunch and dinner. On a day-to-day basis, as well as week-to-week and month-to-month, the peak is visible. Swiggy and Zomato, for example, will receive the majority of their orders during lunch or evening. This means that while support staff is overworked in the afternoons and evenings, they are mostly unworked during the rest of the day.


Logistics is a tough sector to break into. And it’s for this reason that a Logistics Chatbot makes sense.

The logistics business cost 14.4 percent of India’s GDP in 2018, according to the India Brand Equity Foundation.

Customers are frequently dissatisfied with the industry. Their lack of trust is reflected in issues such as product finding, tracking, transactions, routing, and even product safety. Above all, businesses struggle with communication.

Every day, logistics companies send millions of shipments, prompting tens of thousands of inquiries, many of which are the same.

Notifications provided to clients, generally via email and SMS, are frequently ignored, resulting in a vicious spiral of angry misinformation.

This is made worse by the fact that such communication is static and one-sided. The disadvantage is that customers and businesses are unable to resolve problems as they arise.

Customers will be well-informed about their orders if you provide them notifications, alerts, and reminders in advance. This lessens their reliance on customer service representatives.

More crucially, a Logistics Chatbot enables customers to respond to these messages. Change addresses, postpone delivery, and provide precise drop instructions are all possible responses.

These use cases have the following outcomes:

  • An increase in the number of high-quality leads
  • The efficiency of operational sales has improved.
  • Increased income and sales on the top line.
  • Brand recall, NPS, and humanization all improved.
  • Delivery, open, and conversion rates are all higher.
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) has increased.
  • NPS and CSAT scores have improved.
  • Reduced the number of support workers, tickets, and costs.
  • Customer Return Rate and CES both increased.

Any logistics company will have an army of customers, which grows by the day. It’s much preferable to delegate a few duties to the Chatbot for Logistics in order to meet the needs of a large number of clients.

For any logistics service, chatbots are the most effective communication tool.

Automobile industry

The vehicle, as a high-investment business, must keep up with emerging technologies in order to better engage and convert users. While automation has played a significant part in the manufacturing of automobiles, there is still a lot of room for improvement at the front end.

While conversational AI has gained a lot of traction in automobiles with smart AI speakers, it’s also being utilized to improve consumer experiences. Today’s consumer conducts considerable research prior to making a purchasing decision. In fact, 92 percent of car buyers make this decision. They learn about the car’s features, specifications, brand perception, after-sales services, and customer service, among other things.

  • Based on individualized automobile suggestions, we offer advice.
  • With GPS integration, you can find the nearest dealer.
  • Schedule a test drive.
  • Assist with loan inquiries and processing.
  • Determine if the damage is covered by the warranty or not.
  • Vehicle maintenance should be scheduled.
  • Make arrangements for post-purchase inspections.
  • Remind customers about upcoming appointments.

For example, by deploying a conversational AI chatbot called ” Aru ” to engage people in immersive online conversations, naco increased conversion rates by up to 400 percent. From the first touchpoint to the time the lead was given over to a relevant dealership, naco employed Aru to personalize client interactions.

Conversational chatbots may create an integrated network between the brand, dealerships, and customers to ensure consistent and value-driven customer experiences.


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